GODSCRIBES it's a collective that shines for its love of art, the music and visual identity. It's a collective that is born in Cintruenigo, a small town in the south of Navarre. At first they were just some colleagues from the same municipality with the same concerns. Today, they still maintain their base camp in Cintruenigo, although the headquarters are located in Iruña/Pamplona.
«With the arrival of new brothers from different locations and areas during these years, we have become a multidisciplinary group with which we feel very comfortable when developing different projects.
Every great project has its beginnings and, to be more precise, the origin of this collective It began more than 15 years ago with the initiative of 4 friends and the launch of some raves and events in the town. The members of the same always They have lived off music. With this, he led them to join with more people for develop new activities and stories. Thanks to all this and without any pretension, They feel motivated to celebrate life with music and to be able to share their passion with the community..
Today, the group is made up of a group of 15 to 20 people, aged between 26 and 36, who work together to promote different projects. In addition, They collaborate with all kinds of associations and groups, as well as rooms, clubs, etc.
“We collaborate with people of different ages and generations, because music doesn’t understand ages”
As for the clever name of “GODSCRIBES” arose from a event that organize for more than 14 years, in which different friends collaborated. Once the name idea, adopted that name to associate. They confess that they have to thank two sisters, Silvia and Maria, who that day had a spark of lucidity, insight and subtlety.
As you may have noticed, logo of the collective is worthy of being categorized as “a truly great creation”. Well, the design This is from, nothing more and nothing less, than one of the founding members, known as Galomalo. That is one of many others creations that gives them for the association.
«Much of the components of our collective have artistic training and we try to reflect that in each project”
This group of geniuses and artists They are always up to something. They decided to bet on the streaming broadcasts, since at first they were working for months to obtain a radio license in Navarre but due to the situation originated by the COVID-19, the procedures were stopped and they opted for the streaming broadcast.
"As Cultural Association We tried Promote music and club culture, we promote all kinds of activities and events, collaborations with all kinds of collectives, among many other ideas that are yet to be developed”
They try act like a small speaker of different groups and scenes that they find interesting. They always try to close collaborations of a fairly high level, as for example they have done with Tremendous Surco Iruña, Abu Sou and his cinnamon in Surco, Al Alegría member of Reykjavik 606, PIEK, Discos Paraíso Crew, among others. Although they also work with younger people and collectives smaller ones that have a lot of potential and little gap to be heard.
«We have always worked around the music as media, expression and union. With that idea We try to develop all kinds of contents that, little by little, we are incorporating into the programming"
Next, the Programming for this Saturday, June 6 that they have prepared for you
For the June month They have different preparations projects super interesting and powerful. All of their streamings are retransmitted through the platform Twitch, which gives them enough freedom. One of the greats advantages that has Twitch the thing is The broadcasts are not shortened in full live, as can be seen and appreciated in other platforms. Although it is true that once the emission, the Videos are uploaded directly to Youtube. They also perform emissions from Facebook but as a warning, because they will soon cut the broadcast.
If you want to know more about GODSCRIBES and you can follow his work by Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Soundcloud and Twitch. They also have their own Official website, which they are developing and giving access to all the platforms mentioned.
Us, Basspirit Magazine, as media, we were curious to know what the musical styles that define them. The truth is that we were surprised by the answer:
«We love the music. It is our way of life and our way of expressing ourselves. We are not ones to pigeonhole ourselves into one style or another. While the music be good.... WE DO NOT CLOSED OURSELVES TO ANYTHING. It is true that we were born with the electronic music, we have grown up with it and it is the most present thing we have. But we are always exploring different musics, styles, scenes…IT IS THE DNA OF A GOOD MUSIC SELECTOR”
It should be noted that there are multiple artists from different scenes and collectives those who collaborate with GODSCRIBES, but really the main components, the thick The DJs that make up the collective are the following:
(Dear reader, because we like you and we are generous, we share with you the social networks of these great artists so that you can learn about their work and their music. It doesn't hurt to know new artists…you never know if something new, yet to be discovered, will surprise you)
GODSCRIBES It is not considered a closed group, but they are not looking for more members to become bigger. What they are really looking for is the collaborate and engage connections with different collectives and scenesThere are no requirements whatsoever to be able to collaborate With them, simply if they perceive that a person who wants to work with them wants to share something great, they will not hesitate to always keep their doors open to this type of collaboration.
The truth is that the Collective DIOSLOSCRIA promise, or what do you think? To us as means of disseminating music and culture We have loved having been able to meet one of its members, as well as having had the opportunity to help them. spread “their religion”. We have been enthralled by his lifestyle, your way of fundir art and music but, above all, the good vibes they transmit.
To conclude they tell us a anecdote What happened to them during the dreaded confit, the fucking quarantine that has kept us all locked up like a caged singing bird. The last thing that happened to them was to witness in STRAIGHT how the Police to stop the music from one of his collaborators, just as he started the set…In the end he was able to carry it out without any problems, but the moment of conversation from a first-floor balcony with the authorities in the middle of a square in the old town… it was a great moment! The truth is that we would have been amazed to see such a scene.
It only remains for us to say that the music is synonymous with freedom, is a symbol of equality, is a manifestation of freedom of expression made into art. Never be fooled by those who are prisoners of their rarefied musical intellect, by those who say that "It's not art, it's noise" and, above all, NEVER STOP SNEAKERING.
We believe that if you are browsing these «neighborhoods» It is because, UNDOUBTEDLY, WE HAVE SOMETHING IN COMMON! We are united by that thing called TECHNO
For this reason, we invite you to visit us on Instagram and if you like what you see…
[yotuwp type=»playlist» id=»PLTAItSteHGPLtc6UVJg7wDOZgz_t1Zril» ]