The Sense of Music



Kallaikoi This is the term used to designate all the Celtic clans settled in ancient Gallaecia (northwest of the Iberian Peninsula). They were skilled in metallurgy and the production of tools and weapons, and worshipped a variety of deities, some of which were related to nature and war.

Although they disappeared as an ethnic group in ancient times due to Romanisation and later influences, their cultural legacy and Celtic influence in Galicia persist to this day. In some way, that atavistic legacy lives on between the grooves of the record you hold in your hands.

archaic vinilo techno

Format: 2×12”

Release Date: November 30, 2023

Illustration: Beatriz Albaladejo

Design: Techlicks

Mastering: Carlos Koschitzky

Distribution: Melting Pot Records

Throw: 200 copies

The double album opens with the Techno of syncopated kick drums and industrial nuances of The Transhumans with 'Ánima'. Ian Axide proposes a robust and percussive Techno in 'Joint', and Obseth Let the arpeggios fly in 'Pink Pills'These two tracks are indebted to Techno that harks back to the golden years of the monolithic sound of the late 90s.

archaic vinilo techno

The B-side opens with local heroine and co-alma mater of Archaic, Inopia Project, which relies on resounding rhythms and sequences of synths as sharp as shark teeth, which also seem to pay homage to previous decades in 'Hecate'. Mist Gasp It also follows a line of metallic monotrax in 'Standard'. And Brais closes the first 12” with '75', where he gives free rein to Techno meets New and Synth Wave with a look towards the 80s.

archaic vinilo techno

The second EP lowers the intensity and tempo, and opens with the calm and nostalgic Electro of Synth Alien on 'Pakhum'. The place Lefrenk raises the tempo and intensity in arpeggios in an Electro-waveTechno propulsive in 'Phoenix'. And the also Coruña native Roi contains the beats in a base electro which then moves towards some obsessive and lacerating synths in 'Melusa'.

archaic vinilo techno

The last face of the double opens it David Karro with 'Ionosphere', a theme of disturbing synths that does not need beats to form its hypnotic and nebulous character. 27 003 delves into the sounds of classic Electro drum machines in 'Sweet', also with clear IDM and dreamy invocations. Corrosive continues that line, with marked Sheffieldian echoes in 'Fast Food'. And the EP closes it Death Whistle with one of his usual opuses in which darkness, beauty and epicness coexist.

More info:

Archaic Print Bandcamp
Archaic Podcast Soundcloud


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