The Sense of Music

We interviewed Bruto Industries


Paving New Sound Horizons

Discover the story behind Bruto Industries, a musical label that has emerged from the sonic depths of LionIn this exclusive interview, we explore the beginnings, evolution and future projects of this passionate collective, made up of Dan Böhler, Alexander Skene, the talented designer Mark and xKukumFrom local events to vinyl releases, Bruto Industries has earned its place in the contemporary music scene, pushing boundaries and shaping a unique sound. Join us as we explore their inspirations, challenges and the exciting journey they have undertaken in the universe of electronic music.


1. When, where and why was Bruto Industries founded? Who are the members of the label?

The project was born in Lion in 2020, with the initial purpose of organizing events in the area, offering sounds different from the predominant ones. After an initial event, the pause caused by known circumstances encouraged the continuation of the project, giving rise to the label with the intention of promoting the music that the team is truly passionate about.

Currently, the team is made up of Dan Böhler, Alexander Skene, the designer Mark and xKukum.

2. How many references have you released on vinyl? Could you indicate each reference and the year in which they were published?

So far, one vinyl release has been released in 2023: «xKukum – Dry Tears». In addition, they are in the process of working on the following ones.


Initially, publications began in cassette and digital formats, but currently they also release references exclusively in digital format.

Garden Under Debris – Various Artists [BRT001] (2020)

Damaged Clock – High Life [BRT002] (2021)

Criminal – Artificial Dance [BRT003] (2022)

Under The Stone Vol. 1 – Various Artist [BRT004] (2023)

Under The Stone Vol. 2 – Various Artist [BRT005] (2023)

xKukum – Dry Tears EP [BRT006] (2023)

Yesavage Sauvage – Born and Unborn [BRT007] (2023)

Datura Inoxia – The City of Fury [BRT008] (2023)

3. What genres or genre does your label cover?

Bruto Industries delves into industrial dye styles like EBM and Darkwave. Characterized by their love of distortions, dirt, and crunchy sounds, they also explore genres as more experimental techno or electro. The definition of their sound is reflected in the VA (Various Artists) they have released, covering the sound line they seek to develop.

4. Which artists have been able to publish on Bruto Industries?

In addition to those mentioned above, VVAA artists include names such as Magnum Opus, Kenny Campbell, Delusions, Dob41, Iñaki Kreator, Samuel Sampler, and many more, all contributing to the diversity and richness of the Bruto Industries catalogue.

5. Of all the references, which one(s) would you highlight and why?

The VAs stand out for defining the label's sound line, and «Dry Tears» as the first reference on vinyl, overcoming challenges and receiving gratifying support from its audience.

6. In addition to publishing on vinyl, do you organize events, whether your own or collaborations with other labels or groups?

Although the past year has presented challenges, Bruto Industries intends to continue organizing events, contributing to the local music scene.

7. What genres have you had to go through to get to EBM? Who has been an inspiration for you and your label?

Initially influenced by the techno scene, local events such as those organized by collectives like Quixotes and the IVF, as well as various influences, led Bruto Industries to explore and evolve towards EBM and other industrial sounds.

8. So that the public can get to know you on a more personal level, what other styles of electronic music do you listen to? And outside of electronic music?

xKukum: From ambient to noise, with influences outside of electronics such as rap and punk.

Alexander Skene: Wide spectrum from rock to rap, discovering new sounds through radio programs and recommendations.

Dan Böhler: Attracted to distorted and aggressive aesthetics, he enjoys genres such as Electro, IDM, and experimental Hip Hop.

We hope this interview offers a deeper insight into the essence and evolution of Bruto Industries. Find out more in their upcoming productions and events!



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